Loose Leaf Blends To Help You Get To Sleep

Sleep disorders are as ubiquitous as grass. Throw a pair of pajamas anywhere in the world and you’ll probably hit an insomniac. Many and various are the cures sought out by said insomniacs. ASMR, white noise machines, medication, weighted blankets… and tea!

There are plenty of loose leaf teas available that have been proven to aid sleeping disorders. Some of these include peppermint, lavender and chamomile. While a lot of brews contain caffeine there are a surprising amount of caffeine-free alternatives. 

Here are ten teas to choose from the next time you’re in the supermarket or browsing online.


Lavender was always going to be a part of this list. There’s a reason its scent is found in bath bombs, body lotion and pillow spray: it promotes relaxation, and has done since the days of ancient Greece. Lavender tea is no different. One cup of this late at night will have you drifting off gently in no time.

Word to the wise: if you’re someone with a heart condition or are on medication, you should check in with a medical professional on whether you can drink lavender tea thanks to its influence on the nervous system.


Made from the dried bark of the magnolia plant, this tea is normally used to as a sleeping aid in traditional medicine. The magnolia plant contains honokiol and magnolol, which both have sedative effects. 

One study of women who had recently given birth found drinking magnolia tea for 3 weeks hugely improved depression and quality of sleep. 

Green tea

Green tea has been founded to do wonders for a person’s insomnia, so as they’re drinking low caffeine stuff. A small study of 20 adults showed drinking low-caffeine green tea decreased stress, reduced fatigue and improved sleeping compared to normal green tea.

It’s believed that epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate (EGCG) natural in green tea is the reason behind its sedative properties. Loose leaf green tea is never hard to find at your local supermarket. 


Chamomile is usually sought out for its unique and delicious floral flavor rather than as a sleeping aid, but it works just as well as any other! One study found that chamomile, like magnolia, improved the sleep of those who had recently given birth. 

The women reported fewer sleeping problems after two weeks of consistent chamomile consumption. 


Lemongrass, a woody and tall grass with aromatic notes, has been used in traditional medicine for an age. Promoting immunity, pain relief and healthy sleep, this tea is a great shout for anyone finding it hard to get an uninterrupted, full night’s sleep. 

Lemongrass, highly popular in Asia, also had antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties which may help digestion and positive cholesterol levels.


Valerian tea is made from the dried roots of the eponymous plant and often used as a cure for restlessness. It’s thought to boost levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid, a neurotransmitter that eases anxiety.

Researchers found that taking valerian root in whatever form for up to 28 days doesn’t cause any problems for adults, though if you are already on a sedative, anti-anxiety or sleep medication, you should avoid drinking it!

Researchers have found taking valerian root regularly for up to 28 days doesn’t cause problems for most adults. People taking sedatives or other anti-anxiety or sleep medications should avoid valerian root.


Used as a traditional means of curing insomnia and stress, passionflower tea is a strong contender for those struggling to sleep at night. It has been claimed that passionflower may interact and increase the effects of pentobarbital and benzodiazepine, which are used to treat anxiety and insomnia. 

A study of 41 people showed that drinking 1 cup of passionflower tea a day for 1 week improved sleep quality significantly when compared with a placebo.

Lemon balm 

Lemon balm, you might be surprised to hear, is a member of the mint family. As such, it’s pretty delicious, and it goes a long way in terms of working as an antibacterial agent. On top of that, it’s been known to boost sleep quality. 

Sipping a cup of this stuff before bed might not knock you out in seconds, but it’ll work a lot better than any other teas. You’d be balmy not to try it!


Ginger has an established and celebrated track record for its health benefits. These days, people are putting ginger into anything that’ll have it. Saying that, ginger tea isn’t anything too contemporary. Great for soothing sore throats, if you’re struggling to sleep due to illness, ginger tea is the brew to see.

Ginger also works as an anti-emetic and can prevent extreme bouts of nausea. So if you’re suffering from stomach flu, try a cup of ginger tea before bed!


If you’re in the mood for a late-night hot beverage, peppermint tea is a vibrant caffeine-free alternative that is said to relieve allergies and blocked sinuses. So long as you’re a fan of menthol notes, it’s hard to find a nicer brew that doesn’t contain caffeine or sweeteners. 

One of the main benefits of peppermint tea, and other minted teas, is that it works as a natural breath freshener. That means no stinky breath first thing in the morning!

Josh Teal

Josh Teal is a freelance writer with wit and verve, powered by copious amounts of tea and coffee. That makes him something of an expert in all things brewing, whether it's for you or for your pets!

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